How to Properly Care for Your Dentures

Categories: Dentures
Dentures in Salt Lake City

Dentures play a vital role in restoring your smile and improving your ability to eat and speak with confidence. To ensure their longevity and maintain optimal oral health, proper care and maintenance of your dentures are essential. In this blog post, we will explore the key steps and guidelines for effectively caring for your dentures, keeping them clean, comfortable, and functional for years to come.

Daily Cleaning Routine

Just like natural teeth, dentures require regular cleaning to remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria. Follow these steps for a daily cleaning routine:

Remove and Rinse

Take out your dentures and rinse them under running water to remove loose debris.

Brush Gently

Use a soft-bristled denture brush or a toothbrush specifically designed for dentures to clean all surfaces thoroughly. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and damage the denture material. Instead, use a mild denture cleaner or a non-abrasive soap.

Soak Overnight

Place your dentures in a denture cleaning solution or a glass of water with a denture-cleaning tablet overnight. This helps to remove stains and kill bacteria.

Rinse Before Reinsertion

Before putting your dentures back in your mouth, rinse them thoroughly under running water to remove any residue from the cleaning solution.

Handling with Care

Dentures are delicate and can break if mishandled. To ensure their longevity, follow these guidelines for handling your dentures:

Handle with Clean Hands

Always wash your hands before handling your dentures to prevent transferring bacteria or dirt onto them.

Use a Towel or Basin

When cleaning your dentures, fill the sink with water or place a towel on the countertop. This provides a cushion in case the dentures accidentally slip and fall, reducing the risk of breakage.

Avoid Hot Water

Do not use hot water to clean or soak your dentures, as it can warp the denture material. Stick to lukewarm or cool water instead.

Be Cautious When Removing

To prevent damage, remove your dentures by applying gentle pressure and sliding them out rather than pulling or twisting them abruptly.

Proper Storage

When not wearing your dentures, it’s important to store them properly to maintain their shape and prevent drying out. Follow these recommendations for proper denture storage:

Keep them Moist

Dentures should be kept moist to prevent them from becoming brittle. Store them in a denture cleaning solution or plain water when they are not in use.

Avoid Wrapping in Tissues

Do not wrap your dentures in tissues or paper towels, as they can easily be mistaken for trash and accidentally discarded.

Use a Denture Container

Store your dentures in a denture container specifically designed to keep them safe and moist. Ensure the container is clean and has enough water or cleaning solution to cover the dentures.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Even with proper care, dentures may require adjustments or repairs over time. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to ensure the fit and function of your dentures. Your dentist will examine your dentures, check the health of your gums and mouth, and make any necessary adjustments or recommendations.


Proper care and maintenance of your dentures are essential for their longevity and your oral health. By following these guidelines for daily cleaning, handling with care, proper storage, and regular dental check-ups, you can ensure that your dentures stay clean, comfortable, and functional, allowing you to enjoy a confident smile and optimal oral function for years to come.