Types Of Crowns – Everything You Should Know

Categories: Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns

What are Dental Crowns:

Salt Lake City residents have several types of crowns available when it comes to dental crowns. Dental crowns restore the appearance and function of a severely decayed or damaged tooth by covering it completely, acting as the tooth’s new outer surface. Before getting a crown, you should speak with your dentist about all treatment options to determine if a height is the best option for your particular case.

But First, Do You Need a Crown?

If your dentist does recommend a dental crown, you will typically receive two visits at the office: one for preparation and one for placement. During the preparation visit, your existing tooth structure will be reduced, and an impression of your teeth will be taken to a lab where they will create a custom crown for your individual needs. On the second visit, your dentist will fit and bond the new crown to your existing teeth.

Types of Dental Crowns:

Gold Crowns:

Gold crowns are the oldest dental crown available and involve a gold alloy base fused with other metals for strength. They are ideal for back teeth because they’re strong, durable, and resistant to wear. However, many people opt not to use gold crowns because of their visible color in the mouth.

Porcelain Fused-to-Metal Crowns:

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns combine metal with porcelain materials matched to your existing tooth color, making them virtually undetectable when placed in the right area. PFM crowns have been used for decades for their strength and natural look.

All Porcelain Crowns:

All porcelain crowns are an excellent option for front teeth restoration because they match the natural color of your teeth and have a high-luster finish that looks great in bright light. However, these crowns aren’t recommended for back molars because they lack the strength to support chewing forces.

Zirconia Crowns:

Zirconia crowns are made from a highly durable ceramic material that is strong enough to be used on molars and pre-molars. They come in various shades, so you can find one that perfectly matches your existing tooth shade.

Lithium Disilicate Crowns:

Lithium disilicate crowns are made from a combination of porcelain and glass, making them solid and aesthetic. They’re often used for anterior teeth due to their natural-looking luster.


It’s essential to consider what type of dental crown will best suit your needs. Salt Lake City Dental Crowns can help you make an informed decision that offers the right balance between aesthetics and durability for your situation. To get started, schedule a consultation or appointment with us today, and we’ll be happy to discuss all types of dental crowns available.