5 Tips TO Help Your Kid Have Healthy Teeth And Gums

Pediatric Dentistry

As a parent, it is essential to teach good oral hygiene habits early in life. This can help set your child up for dental health success and ensure they have healthy teeth and gums. To ensure the best start for your child’s smile, here are five tips from Salt Lake City Pediatric Dentist to help your kids have healthy teeth:

Start them Early: 

Starting dental care as soon as possible can benefit your kid’s future dental health. Take them to see a Pediatric Dentist in Salt Lake City when they turn one year old or after their first tooth erupts – whichever comes first.

Clean Their Pacifiers: 

Make sure you clean pacifiers regularly with soap and water. This is especially important if it’s been dropped or your child has put it in their mouth after doing something else.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste When They’re Old Enough to Spit: 

Once they can spit the toothpaste out, switch to a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Fluoride helps protect their teeth from decay, so brushing with fluoride toothpaste daily helps keep them healthy.

Limit or Avoid Some Foods: 

Sugary and starchy snacks are not beneficial for your kid’s teeth healthy. Avoid giving them sweets like candy and chocolate as much as possible, and make sure that other snacks like chips and crackers don’t fill in the gaps between meals.

Avoid Giving the Baby Bottle Before Sleep: 

Many parents make the mistake of giving their baby a bottle before sleep. Milk, juice, and other sugary drinks that stay in contact with teeth can cause decay in the baby’s teeth. It’s best for your kid’s oral health if you avoid this habit.


Following these five tips from Salt Lake City Pediatric Dentist, you can help your kids have healthy teeth and gums! Taking care of their dental health early is essential to establish good habits that will last into adulthood. Plus, it can save time and money in the long run by preventing costly dental treatments like root canals and crowns.