Are Dental Implants Right For You?

MOST PEOPLE DON’T REALIZE HOW HARMFUL IT CAN BE FOR ADULTS TO HAVE MISSING TEETH. Gaps in your smile can have negative affects on your social opportunities, confidence, and others’ perception of you. Dr. Jared Theurer adds, “Leaving missing teeth unattended can also lead to tooth shifting, bone and gum deterioration, and even face shape alteration.”

Many patients find implant dentistry a worthy investment since it is one of the most successful dental procedures available—with a 90-95% success rate. It’s also helpful to remember that choosing to replace a missing tooth immediately prevents more expensive treatments later.

Many factors play into the success of a dental implant. A few basic things we look for in a implant dental candidate include:

Good overall health—Since implant dentistry requires a surgical procedure, it is important that you are in good health. If you smoke, drink alcohol, or have diabetes you may have lower success rates with dental implants since these conditions can lower oral health, which affects the healing process of the implant.

Adequate bone support—Since dental implants fuse with the jawbone in order to anchor the tooth, adequate bone density and quality is one of the most important requirements for dental implant success. Children aren’t typically candidates for implant dentistry since their bones have not sufficiently developed. Bone grafts or mini implants are sometimes considered for patients who do not have enough bone support.

Commitment to Oral Health—A dental implant requires excellent dental hygiene. A commitment to daily brushing and flossing, along with periodic visits to the dentist is crucial. Keep in mind that these hygiene habits are crucial to preserving the health and strength of your natural teeth as well.

Healthy Gums—Healthy gums are necessary to support the new dental implant as it fuses with the jawbone. Patients who have a high risk of gum disease often experience dental implant failure. If you feel you may be at risk, there are things we can suggest to help lower that risk and strengthen your implant success.

No Teeth Clenching—Visit with your dental implant dentist if you struggle with bruxism, or teeth clenching. This has been shown to decrease success rates of dental implants.

The best way to determine whether you are a candidate for dental implants is to visit with Dr. Jared or Daniel Theurer. They’ll help you determine whether implant dentistry is the best solution for your smile.

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