What are Possible Dental Implant Complications?

risks of dental implants Utah

Dental implants have become the tooth replacement option of choice, with a success rate better than ninety percent. But like any medical or dental procedure, there are risks. In this post from The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, we will describe possible complications of a dental implant.


Any surgical procedure poses an infection risk. That’s why we may prescribe an antibiotic before implant surgery.

Salt water rinses during recovery can help minimize the risk, and your usual daily dental hygiene should continue. We will have specific instructions for you.

Slow healing

A patient is more likely to experience slow healing if they have another medical condition. Possible conditions include severe gum disease, diabetes, cancer, alcoholism, or poor circulation due to smoking.

Implant failure

If an implant fails to integrate with the surrounding bone, it is usually due to insufficient blood supply. Teeth grinding, smoking, and the medical conditions discussed previously can impair blood circulation.

Nerve damage

Nerve damage takes place in a very small percentage of implant procedures. Patients may have pain, tingling or numbness at the implant site.

Remember, dental implants have a very high success rate. To find out whether implants are right for you, schedule an appointment with The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City. Call us today!

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1955 S 1300 E Ste L2
Salt Lake City, Utah

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