Root Canal Therapy For Tooth Pain Near Salt Lake City

Categories: root canal
Root Canal Therapy For Tooth Pain Near Salt Lake City

Do you have a severe toothache? Or do you have swollen, puffy, and tender gums? It may be a sign of a tooth abscess and you need immediate treatment. If you are suffering from a throbbing toothache, visit the dentist to get your root canal in Salt Lake City.

What Is A Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that treats an infected tooth and provides you with immediate relief. During a root canal treatment, the infected pulp in your root canal will be removed, disinfected, and cleaned. Usually, a crown is placed on top of your affected tooth to protect and restore your daily functions.

When Is A Root Canal Needed?

If you have an abscessed tooth, which is usually caused in case of untreated cavities, or if you have chips or cracks in your teeth. This allows the bacteria to enter your dental cavity and spread down to the root causing an infection.

The following are a few signs you need root canal therapy:

  • If you have tooth pain that doesn’t go away, which may also radiate to your jaw and face or affect the surrounding teeth
  • If you are sensitive to hold or cold foods and the pain lingers around for long.
  • If you have a boil or pimple on the gums, it can cause an unpleasant taste or smell.
  • If you have a swollen jaw
  • If your teeth are discolored and look darker.
  • If your tooth pains to the touch or while you eat.
  • If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, it can cause bacteria to enter the tooth pulp.
  • If you have a loose tooth.


What Happens During The Root Canal Process?

Before starting your root canal therapy in Salt Lake City, the dentist will take a dental X-ray, which will determine the extent of damage or your tooth. This will also ensure that root canal therapy is the best treatment for your dental issue. The following is a brief overview of a root canal procedure.

  • First, local anesthesia will be given to numb your infected tooth and the surrounding gums.
  • The dentist will make a small opening on the biting surface of your tooth, i.e., the crown to access the pulp.
  • With the help of dental equipment, the nerves, blood vessels, and tissues are removed.
  • The pulp chamber is then cleaned, disinfected, and shaped.
  • The tooth is then filled with a flexible, rubbery dental material, known as gutta-percha.
  • A temporary dental filling will be placed to seal the tooth and prevent bacteria from re-entering.
  • A crown will be placed on your treated tooth to protect, it and support it. The crown will be custom-made, which will match the rest of your teeth.

Do Root Canals Hurt?

A lot of people assume root canals are a very painful procedure and therefore avoid getting it. However, in reality, a root canal treatment is a pain-relieving procedure. The source of your pain is the infection and not the treatment. For a root canal procedure, you will be put under anesthesia, therefore, there’s no possibility of any pain. If you experience severe pain after a root canal, make sure to visit the dentist in Salt Lake City right away

How To Prevent Tooth Infections?

Establishing a good oral routine is the best way to ensure your teeth are safe and healthy. You can take the following measures:

  • Brush your teeth regularly.
  • Use floss or interdental brushes to clean your teeth.
  • Make sure to replace your toothbrush every 1 to 3 months or if the bristles are frayed.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to detect issues beforehand.

Restore Your Smile With A Root Canal

If you are suffering from a severe, don’t wait any longer. There may be different causes for a throbbing toothache, it is always best to visit the dentist in Salt Lake City to find out the cause of your pain and get the appropriate treatment. A root canal is the best way to save your abscessed tooth, don’t wait any longer, just visit the dentist near you and get your treatment today!