Protect Young Smiles From Childhood Tooth Decay

pediatric dental Salt Lake City

At The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, we get it. Parents have a lot to worry about when it comes to their child’s health and safety. Committing to daily oral hygiene will prevent the pain, inconvenience, and expense of dealing with decay in children.

Even though most moms and dads know the basics of children’s dental care, Salt Lake City pediatric dentists continue to see cavities in young children.

Set An Example

It’s important to make a commitment to proper dental hygiene for yourself. If you have inadequate oral hygiene, now is the time to change your ways so you can set an example for your child. You will both be better off.

Start (Very) Early

Caring for your infant’s teeth should start even before they erupt. To avoid bacteria growth, parents should wash their baby’s gums with a wet washcloth after feedings.

Make The Crib A Bottle-Free Zone

Young children should never be put to bed with a bottle. The sugars in milk or juice that stay on teeth for hours can damage the enamel. When your little one gets his first tooth, it is time to brush.

Fluoride Warning

Most young children ingest toothpaste, so use only a tiny dab of non-fluoride paste until the child turns two. If a child swallows too much fluoride, it can stain teeth.

Go Over Teeth Again After Child Brushes

When a child is old enough to brush his own teeth, instruct them to brush gently but thoroughly for at least two minutes (or longer until they get the hang of it). You can set a timer so your child understands how long they should keep at it.

For young children, it is important that an adult goes over them after the child finishes. Many kids thoroughly clean the chewing surfaces but fail to clean the backsides and gumline.

Schedule Snacks

Monitor your child’s meals and snacks. Scheduling snacks and beverages (not including water) to set times during the day can also safeguard against cavities.

The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City offers family and children’s dentistry. People from Millcreek and Holladay also come to us for cosmetic dentistry. Call to schedule an appointment today!

Contact The Sugar House Dentist:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

1955 S 1300 E Ste L2
Salt Lake City, UT 84105