Oral Conscious Sedation Provides Added Comfort

HERE AT THE SUGAR HOUSE DENTIST, we want our patients to feel as comfortable and cozy as possible while they’re sitting in the dentist’s chair.

Though we promise you will be in the best of hands with Dr. Theurer, we also offer sedation dentistry services to provide you with additional peace of mind.

When a sedation technique requires the use of a drug, it is called “conscious sedation dentistry.” Though there are actually quite a few different types of this conscious sedation approach, today we are going to focus on one you’ve probably heard of: Inhalation Conscious Sedation Dentistry, or laughing gas.

Laughing Gas, has been around for generations, and still remains the most popular form of sedation dentistry. At your appointment, you’ll first swallow a small pill and we’ll set you up comfortably, allowing you to ask any questions you may have. Dr. Theurer will then administer nitrous oxide to enhance the effects of the sedation and alleviate any potential fears. The effects of this “sweet air” leave you feeling happy and relaxed, and most people who receive it recover quickly. This conveniently allows patients to leave our office unescorted and go about their normal routines without having to wait at all!

Here at The Sugar House Dentist, our first priority is to serve you, and make sure you have the best experience possible while visiting our office. If you or a loved one has any phobias regarding your upcoming dental treatments, let us know! We would love to help put your minds at ease.

If you have any additional questions regarding sedation dentistry, or anything else we offer at our practice, contact our office today! We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for the trust you place in our practice.