How Dental Check-ups Help Your Overall Health

We think most people would agree with Drs. Jared and Daniel Theurer when they say brushing your teeth every day is important. But then, when they start talking about flossing, perhaps our attention begins to drift. Then comes the “big” advice—regular dental visits!

That’s right, you know you’ve heard it before… “Make sure you come in for regular checkups and cleanings.” But, did you know there’s a lot more to it (and we’re not talking about the free toothbrush)?

Your oral health is strongly linked to your overall health, and visiting Drs. Jared and Daniel Theurer can be just as important as visiting your family doctor.

You’ve likely heard of diseases associated with our mouths—oral cancer, gum disease, etc. But did you know that many other health issues can manifest initial symptoms that appear in your mouth? It’s true—visiting the dentist can help catch potentially larger problems before they get out of hand. You may not even realize something is wrong because there’s no pain, and very insignificant visible changes.

For Drs. Jared and Daniel Theurer, mouths are life. They stare into mouths every day, and read about mouths while vacationing (kidding). So be sure to keep those regularly scheduled visits. We want to help keep you healthy—teeth and ALL.

Whoopi’s right. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can kill you. In case you missed Whoopi on The View, you can see her talk about her experience with gum disease and tooth loss below.