Embarrassed By Your Teeth?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

Millcreek aesthetic dentistry What is a beautiful smile worth? Salt Lake City men and women who have received a smile makeover at The Sugar House Dentist – The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City say it was worth every penny.

Your smile is a part of you that you share with your Salt Lake City family, Millcreek friends, and Sugar House colleagues every day. An attractive smile creates confidence. If you are embarrassed by your smile, you waste mental and physical energy trying to hide it.

How would your life improve if you felt comfortable in every social and professional situation? If you have been trying to hide your smile for years, what incorrect assumptions have others made about you? Do you come across as self-conscious or distant because you hardly laugh at jokes and barely crack a smile when you meet someone for the first time?

Investing in a cosmetic smile redesign is the best way to feel younger, more attractive, and able to share your true self. When you quit trying to hide your teeth, you are free to put all your energy into your work, play – everything!

At The Sugar House Dentist – The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, Doctor Jared Theuer carefully contours perfect smiles for our Millcreek smile design patients.

We also make sure our Millcreek smile makeover patients are completely relaxed during treatment. If you are afraid of dentists, or have had negative experiences in the past, rest assured that we understand how you feel and our caring dental team will do our best to alleviate your concerns.

Come in for an aesthetic dental consultation. Learn about dental implants, porcelain crowns, invisible braces, veneers and sleep dentistry.

Life is better when you love your smile. Call The Sugar House Dentist – The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City today!

Quality and Personalized Dental Services


Contact The Sugar House Dentist – The Sugar House Dentist:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

1955 S 1300 E Ste L2
Salt Lake City, Utah