Embarrassed By Your Teeth?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
Millcreek aesthetic dentistry

What is a beautiful smile worth? Salt Lake City men and women who have received a smile makeover at The Sugar House Dentist – The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City say it was worth every penny. Your smile is a part of you that you share with your Salt Lake City family, Millcreek…

The Dangers Of Oral Infections

Categories: Oral Health
oral infection exam Salt Lake City

“It’s just a small sore, it will go away.” “I’m too busy right now, I’ll go to a dentist later.” “A little sensitivity is no big deal.” It happens to most Salt Lake City residents at least once in their life. Your teeth become sensitive to cold drinks. A tooth develops a dull ache. A…

Say Goodbye To Old Amalgam Fillings

white fillings Salt Lake City

Remember what your teeth looked like before you had your first cavity? When you opened your mouth to laugh or yawn, people could see only pearly white molar surfaces. (Unless, of course, you had been munching Oreos.) If you are like many Salt Lake City and Sugar House adults, you started developing cavities fairly young…

Perfect Teeth With Veneers

porcelain veneers price Salt Lake City

Today’s blog post focuses on an effective and versatile cosmetic dental procedure – porcelain veneers. Veneers are individual covers for the front part of teeth. They are an extraordinary way to correct a myriad of tooth imperfections such as chips, stains, yellowing, unattractive shape or minimal misalignment. Have you ever wanted a minimally-invasive facelift for…