A Maximum Upgrade With Mini Implants

Categories: Dental Implants
How Mini Dental Implants Can Help Your Smile in 84105

Mini-dental implants are, as their name suggests, a smaller version of regular dental implants. They have several advantages, and are available at The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City. Like their larger counterparts, mini implants are titanium posts inserted into the jaw, where they fuse with the bone to become a support for one…

Chipped Tooth? No Need To Panic

Categories: Dental Health
porcelain veneers cost Salt Lake City

Your teeth are among the strongest parts of your body, but they are not invincible. Far from it! A fall, a collision, or any number of other accidents can result in a chipped or broken tooth. If it happens to you or a loved one, don’t panic: contact The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake…

Who’s Afraid Of The Big, Bad…Dentist?

sleep dentistry Salt Lake City

Millions of people get so worked up about dental appointments that they skip the dentist entirely. At The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City we understand that dental anxiety is a very real thing, and that for some people it’s more like dental phobia. But skipping the dentist is not a good idea. Sedation…

Advanced Dental Technology At The Sugar House Dentist

urgent dental clinic Salt Lake City

This post from The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City describes how behind-the-scenes dental technology helps us serve our patients. CAD/CAM CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) are used for many restorative services. These include same-day inlays/onlays and crowns. Dentists who offer dental implants can use CAD/CAM technology in every phase of the…