Do I Floss My New Tooth Implant?


At The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, one of the first things dental implant patients usually want to know is: Do I need to change my flossing technique for my new implant? We hope that before you got your implant, you were brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once.…

Think A Missing Back Tooth Is No Big Deal?

dental implants Salt Lake City

People who lose a front tooth usually makes a plan for a dental restoration ASAP. A dental implant from The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City is an ideal solution. When a person loses a back tooth, on the other hand, they are more likely to leave the gap. “You can’t really see it…

New Protein For Dental Implant Patients

Holladay Dental Implants

Countless people have replaced missing teeth with dental implants from The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City. Unlike a bridge, a dental implant consists of a titanium post anchored to the jaw bone. The bone fuses with the post to create a strong base for the natural-looking prosthetic tooth and crown that attaches to…

What Does A Beautiful Smile Say About You?

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry
What a Beautiful Utah Smile Says About You

It’s not just about looks. According to a study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a healthy and attractive smile makes you appear more intelligent, successful, friendly and interesting. Cosmetic dentistry from The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City can give you a beautiful new smile. Our smile makeover patients have expressed that…

Our Dental Team Takes Care Of You

Salt Lake City Dental Team

At The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, each dental professional on our team helps us operate smoothly and provide a high level of care. This blog post focuses on the duties of a dental assistant. You probably think of the dental assistant as: “The one who suctions my mouth while the dentist is…

Are Dental Implants An Option If I Have Receding Gums?

tooth implants Salt Lake City

At The Sugar House Dentist in Salt Lake City, we have to make a lot of judgment calls. As a case in point, we have to establish which patients are good candidates for dental implant surgery. Generally speaking, dental implants have a very high success rate, but before committing to it there are things we…